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Whether you’re looking to reduce fuels for future wildfires or jumpstart the next growth season, Texas hazard reduction burning is a cost-effective and efficient way of managing land. The majority of Texas’ land is privately owned and it’s noteworthy for having the most farms in the U.S. – over 127 million acres worth. Agricultural projects and organizations typically undertake Texas hazard reduction burning to help control harmful locust populations and increase the quality of forage available for grazing livestock the following growth season. Harmful, invasive species like the juniper on the Edwards Plateau are also managed effectively with prescribed fire, leading to an overall increase in the health of native plants and insects following a controlled burn.
Our RX Fire services
Prescribed Fire Coverage for:
Personal Injury
Property Damage
Defense Costs
Fire Suppression Expenses
Smoke-related Incidents
Professional Liability (E&O)
Texas Prescribed Burn Insurance
Although Texas hazard reduction burning is usually quite safe when conducted properly, land management professionals know that working with nature means working with an inherent unpredictability. Weather conditions are always changing, but you can be prepared for the unexpected by investing in Texas controlled burn insurance. Forest Specialty offers Texas RX fire insurance that’s designed to allow you to operate your business without compromise by protecting company assets and (for sole proprietorships or partnerships) personal assets in the advent of significant injury or damage claims. The security afforded by Texas prescribed burn insurance ensures that you can draft your land management plans and make effective use of prescribed fire without worrying about the risk of financial harm to your company.
Texas Controlled Burn Insurance
Our Texas backfire insurance provides coverage for third party personal injury, bodily injury, advertising injury, and property damage claims. The use of prescribed fire comes with unique challenges that Texas swilling insurance is designed to meet as well, including fire suppression expenses, smoke-related incidents, and pollution. Professional liability (E&O) is also covered by your Texas burn-off insurance plan. If a claim is brought against you, Forest Specialty will put you in touch with expert claims professionals and attorneys to handle your defense, and your Texas RX fire insurance will cover the incurred defense costs. You can further tailor your Texas controlled burn insurance if you have other business operations, just reach out to a Forest Specialty agent and discuss what activities for which you’d like to extend your Texas prescribed burn insurance coverage. Operations like mechanical brush clearing, grassland restoration, herbicide applications, and more may be able to be packaged into your Texas backfire insurance coverage.
The Forest Specialty Advantage
Professionally qualified
We have the expertise to identify, evaluate and underwrite prescribed fire exposures.
At your service
Our “client comes first” philosophy is the cornerstone of our success. We serve our customers with trust, integrity and a close attention to detail.
Unbeatable value
We always give customers their money’s worth!
Texas Hazard Reduction Burning
The market for Texas swilling insurance has generally been underserved, but the benefits to having a policy safeguarding your business are significant. Employers of independent contractors will ensure that any significant third party injury or damage caused by those they contract won’t cause them serious financial harm, and prescribed fire contractors will enjoy a greater confidence from those that hire them. Texas burn-off insurance is designed to meet the unique needs of prescribed fire professionals, whether you’re a landscape contractor, private landowner, or environmental consultant.
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Texas Backfire Insurance
Invest in premium quality Texas RX fire insurance from Forest Specialty and you’ll be supported by experts with a “client comes first” attitude that ensures you receive quality service every time you reach out. Forest Specialty handles the heavy lifting if a claim is brought against you, putting you in contact with attorneys and professionals to manage your defense while your Texas prescribed burn insurance covers the defense costs. When you underwrite your business with us, you’re empowered to choose how to best protect your business with the opportunity to extend your Texas controlled burn insurance coverage to your other business operations.
Texas Burn-Off Insurance
To receive a free Texas backfire insurance quote from Forest Specialty, fill out our non-binding application and we’ll typically send you a return quote within three to five days. You can reach out to our agents with any other questions you have by filling out our online contact form or by calling (877) 295-8086. Underwrite your business with Forest Specialty and keep prescribed fire safely in your land management toolbox. We look forward to assisting you!