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General Liability Insurance for Fire Suppression Contractors and Wildland Fire Fighting

General Liability Insurance for Associations from Forest Specialty

Wildland fire has historically played a crucial part in helping foster the health of fire-adapted ecosystems across the U.S. Trends towards outright fire suppression have resulted in an imbalance in these habitats, and this imbalance has increased the risk of extreme, harmful wildfires. Now, prescribed fire is becoming a key tool in the effort to rejuvenate habitat and mitigate the damage to property and wildland from natural occurring wildfire. Cost-effective, efficient, and powerful, prescribed fire and other controlled burn activities are critical to reducing the severity of future wildfires by reducing the available fuel load. Controlled burns also enrich the lands on which they’re conducted by reducing pest populations and releasing nutrients tied up in accumulated litter back to the soil, resulting in healthier, more robust land.

Although wildland fire fighting is a critical part of maintaining the health and safety of wildlife and people alike, the fire suppression and controlled burn industry faces numerous significant challenges and difficulties. At Forest Specialty, we’ve spent the past 15 years dedicating ourselves to providing responsible fire suppression contractors with high-quality prescribed fire insurance to help you thrive in this challenging industry. Your potential clients will want—or even require—you to have prescribed fire insurance before you operate on their property to ensure that you’re protected from property damage and injury claims that result from escaped fire and smoke. With controlled burn insurance for prescribed fire and fire suppression contractors from Forest Specialty, you’ll be ready to take on even the most complex contracts.

Professional Insurance for Loggers

Professional Liability Insurance for Wildland Fire Fighting

Fire suppression and wildland fire fighting contractors that underwrite their business with us at Forest Specialty receive responsive, expert support 110% of the time. We’re guided by principles that demand proper risk assessment and analysis and high-quality, equitable support for all our clients, regardless of account size. Prescribed fire liability insurance is a type of general liability policy, which offers you coverage from claims of property damage and bodily injury that can arise from prescribed fire operations running awry, such as accidents on nearby roads caused by excess smoke. Your wildland fire fighting insurance also connects you with nearby skilled claims professionals and attorneys you’ll need to manage your defense and covers costs incurred over the course of your defense.

Professional and General Liability Insurance for Fire Suppression Contractors

Over the past 15 years, we’ve dedicated ourselves to becoming experts in the unique hazards and challenges faced by prescribed fire and fire suppression contractors in the states we serve. All our agents are committed foremost to your satisfaction and support, and we encourage you to reach out whenever you need expert support and guidance. You already know that working with nature and fire in particular can be difficult to predict and that even the most carefully laid fire plans can face unexpected escapes. Thankfully, with affordable wildland fire fighting insurance you can keep your company and personal assets safe as you conduct these critical controlled burns.



We have the expertise to identify, evaluate and underwrite prescribed fire exposures.


Our “client comes first” philosophy is the cornerstone of our success. We serve our customers with trust, integrity and a close attention to detail.


We always give customers their

money’s worth!

Insurance for Wild Fire Fighting

Prescribed fire and fire suppression contractors like you deserve the highest quality support and coverage available. At Forest Specialty, we’re experts when it comes to the laws and requirements regarding prescribed fire usage in the states we serve, and are proud to offer premium coverage for responsible fire suppression contractors. In addition, you may be able to extend your prescribed fire insurance to cover other operations you undertake (e.g., mechanical brush clearing or grassland restoration). The protection afforded by wildland fire fighting insurance will make you stand out amongst other prescribed fire and fire suppression contractors as well as protect you from liability claims and allow you conduct your fire suppression operations with confidence.


  • Completed Application
    • Résumés & Training Certificates
    • Sample Fire Plan
    • Company Literature
    • Currently Valued Loss Runs


  • 3-5 years of Forestry/Land Management experience, or

  • 3-5 years of Prescribed Fire experience with state or federal certification

Get General Liability Insurance for Fire Suppression Contractors

Forest Specialty is here to help you make best use of this powerful land management tool as part of your wildland fire fighting efforts and operations. If you’re interested in our prescribed fire or wildland fire fighting insurance, fill out our online contact form or call us at (877) 295-8086 to connect with a Forest Specialty agent. To get a quote, simply fill out our non-binding application and you’ll typically receive a response within three to five days. We look forward to assisting you!

Prescribed Burn Liability Insurance,  Controlled Burn Insurance,  RX Fire Insurance
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