General Liability Insurance for Logging Operations

Land management strategies are always changing, but logging and timber harvesting remain evergreen components of an efficient management plan. Timber harvests help promote the health and growth of a targeted area by clearing room for new understory growth (thereby helping foster greater biodiversity), reducing competition for nutrients between untouched and often more desirable trees, and reducing the risk of wildfire. Silviculture is also useful in helping landowners meet their property goals, whether that be opening room for livestock grazing or culling pest reservoirs.
Of course, all timber harvests come with risk. Logging operations can be tricky at the best of times, even for veterans of the industry, as nature can be unpredictable. Some cast-off material from a harvest – bark, log butts, etc. – might be forgotten during clean-up, for example, and later be found to contribute to a fire that has dealt damage to the client’s property. Caught unprepared, an angry client can spell disaster for your smaller logging operation.

Professional Liability Insurance for Logging Operations
The potential financial damage that arises from harm to your contractors or regular employees, the customer, or the stand you are operating in can be intimidating, but general and professional liability insurance can help mitigate these concerns. Forest Specialty offers smaller logging operations both general and professional liability insurance (without auto) for under 30k to local, single point operations. Backed by over 15 years of experience providing small logging operations coverage, you can be certain that Forest Specialty has the expertise necessary to support your business.
Professional and General Liability Insurance for smaller logging
There’s no planning an accident; Forest Specialty offers comprehensive, responsive general liability policies designed to make tackling the unexpected simple. Our general liability insurance protects you and your business from third-party (that is, customer or client) bodily injury and property damage claims. Advertising injury claims or other such reputational harm claims are covered under our general liability policies. Logging can be hazardous or even dangerous work – a felled tree might accidentally harm someone’s property or even the same equipment used to cut it down. Even the most careful operators will want to ensure that their business has the protection of comprehensive general liability insurance. From medical expenses to attorney fees to investigation fees, Forest Specialty’s general liability policies have you covered.
We have the expertise to identify, evaluate and underwrite prescribed fire exposures.
Our “client comes first” philosophy is the cornerstone of our success. We serve our customers with trust, integrity and a close attention to detail.
We always give customers their
money’s worth!
Insurance for Logging Operations
Sometimes called E&O insurance, professional liability insurance differs from general liability insurance in that it’s designed to protect you and your business from negligence, error and omissions, or malpractice claims that arise during the completion of a professional service. For example, professional liability insurance will protect your business from harm if unforeseen weather conditions prevent you from meeting a deadline, and the client becomes dissatisfied. Professional liability coverage empowers you to conduct your business in the way you know is best without worrying that misunderstandings, clerical errors, or a missed deadline will cause your business undo harm.
Completed Application
• Résumés & Training Certificates
• Sample Fire Plan
• Company Literature
• Currently Valued Loss Runs
3-5 years of Forestry/Land Management experience, or
3-5 years of Prescribed Fire experience with state or federal certification
Get General Liability Insurance for Logging
Forest Specialty has been providing small logging operations like yours with quality, responsive insurance for over a decade and is familiar with the risks and challenges your business faces. We operate with an enthusiastic “client comes first” mentality that we maintain regardless of the size of the account. Our commitment to supporting smaller logging operations is evident in our general liability policies and professional liability insurance plans, but also extends to the way our agents continue to support our clients even after they’ve underwritten their business with us. We’re happy to offer general and professional liability insurance to smaller logging operations for under 30k (without auto) for local, single point operations.
Affordable coverage is quality coverage when you partner with Forest Specialty for your smaller logging operation. To receive a free quote, please fill out our non-binding application online and we’ll typically respond within three to five days. If you have further questions regarding our general liability policies or professional liability insurance, our agents will be happy to assist you, and can be reached by calling us at (877) 295-8086 or by filling out our online contact form. Forest Specialty offers your smaller logging operation incomparable value – general and professional liability insurance for under 30k (without auto) for local, single point operations and professional, expert support whenever your business needs. We look forward to assisting you.